Jan 2025
Latest vendor rating: 100 out of 100 points for Fuchs Umwelttechnik
Do our own aspirations live up to those of our customers? Is the communication good, is the quality right, is the service reliable? An honest vendor rating can be a brutal reflection for every manufacturer.
We were recently delighted to receive the result from our customer Koepfer Holding GmbH: In their latest vendor rating of various criteria, Fuchs Umwelttechnik achieved 100 out of 100 points and, therefore, the confirmation as an A-supplier.
Thank you for this superb assessment! Koepfer Holding GmbH's satisfaction is, for Fuchs Umwelttechnik, confirmation and, at the same time, motivation for the future. With more and more new developments, we are continuously optimising our high quality, true to our motto – the better is the enemy of the good.