Fuchs Umwelttechnik put on a great show at the LASER World of PHOTONICS
Following the successful show at the last event in 2009, we registered a considerable increase in the number of contacts and frequency of visits to our fair booth this year. The LASER World of PHOTONICS is an ideal presentation platform for Fuchs Umwelttechnik. We meet many of our long standing customers here as exhibitors or visitors and can make valuable contacts with potential new customers uncomplicatedly and cost effectively.We also had the opportunity to present innovative extraction concepts for laser emissions to a wide professional public. Especially our flow-optimized prototype of the round extraction unit RKF and the completely new spark extinguishing module MKFFUW2 were a great attraction. All in all, the fair was a very successful event for Fuchs Umwelttechnik which we will certainly be repeating in 2013.