Extension building officially completed
On the 3rd of July 2015 Fuchs Umwelttechnik officially completed their new extension building at company headquarters in Staig-Steinberg. The company now has extended storage space with high-shelf stores of 413 square metres at their disposal. The extension building increases the total useful area by almost 60 % from 750 square metres to a total of now 1,163 square metres.
Last year Fuchs Umwelttechnik successfully handled a record number of orders. As pleasing as this development is, it showed us the limits of our capacity. The extension building has now created important conditions to guarantee “just-in-time delivery” of Fuchs-Umwelttechnik products to our customers in the future.
As for earlier building projects, great value was placed once again this time on the individual requirements of Fuchs and above and beyond that on the use of ecological building materials. To sustainably improve the CO2 balance of the company, an 80 kW photovoltaic system was already successfully put into operation in an earlier building phase.
With the extension building at the company headquarters in Staig-Steinberg the positive company development of recent years continues consistently.